Strategic futures
Strategic futures
We'll help you find your way in the dark.
We'll help you find your way in the dark.
What we do
The future is complex and uncertain.
We help people build resilience and move forward.
Strategic futures
Anticipate change.
- Understand the trends affecting your strategy and direction
- Conduct scenario analysis to test your resilience
- Develop a shared vision and explore transformative pathways
- Build your capacity to monitor and anticipate change
Transformation coaching
Know yourself.
Work with a certified coach to build self-knowledge, clarity and motivation.
"Anna has a wonderful capacity to know when to listen and when to keep me focused. She gave the impression that I know the best approach to realise my own growth, and helped me to understand and navigate my own inner world."
Michael Ashcroft, Innovation Strategy Manager at National Grid
Recent projects
Browse our work
W4 & Code To Inspire
Life Coaching Journey| Afghanistan
We partnered with Women's World Wide Web (W4) and the Herat-based vocational coding college, Code To Inspire, to offer a 12-session online life coaching journey and set of digital tools to 50 Afghan women, designed to strengthen their well-being and support empowered mindsets and bold decision-making towards their future fulfilment.
Hong Kong Baptist University
Entrepreneurship & Innovation Centre
'Our Changing World of Work' Workshop| Hong Kong
We ran a sector-specific workshop exploring the impacts of trends and emerging issues affecting the future for Human Resources, Tech & Communications, Financial Services, and FMCG, and identifying skills-specific strategies to prepare students for success.
Rotary Action Group for Peace
Peace Schools Programme| Hong Kong
We trained teachers to apply Futures Thinking techniques to support Positive Peace in schools, across a range of methodologies: Trends Analysis, Horizon Scanning, the Futures Wheel, and Four Futures. We coached them in design and implementation of Positive Peace projects, aligned with the Institute for Economics and Peace framework.
UNICEF Iraq | Economist Intelligence Unit
Futures for children and youth | Baghdad & Erbil
We designed and facilitated a scenario planning exercise for UNICEF Iraq, exploring key factors shaping the lives of children and youth in Iraq in 2030. Preparation included interviews and focus groups with youth groups, schools, camps for internally displaced people, and the Ministries of Education and Labour.
Young Friends of the Earth Europe
Green Deal Visions Toolkit | Online, Europe
We trained young facilitators in nine countries to lead local workshops to:
- Explore and map values across a community
- Discuss current trends and their implications for the future
- Build shared visions for national Green Deals, and brainstorm action plans.
Heinrich Böll Foundation
Strategy Workshop | Online, Hong Kong
We led a two-day strategy workshop to support the Asia office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation to:
Map values across the regional team
Explore global trends and local implications
Identify and prioritise challenges
Develop a strategic vision
Discuss short and long-term goals
Brainstorm ways to engage stakeholders.
UNDP City Experiment Fund
Cross-sector Design Lab | Moldova
We facilitated a three-day Design Lab for six cross-sector teams from cities in Central and Eastern Europe, including:
Identifying the narratives underlying urban problems, such as pollution and neglect of common spaces
Exploring current trends and future possibilities to identify future challenges and opportunities
Developing shared visions
Brainstorming systemic solutions.
World YMCA
Journeys to 2044 | London
First, we worked with 70 YMCA leaders aged 15-65 to develop scenarios for the year 2044, the YMCA's 200th anniversary.
Then we held a workshop supporting 250 participants from seven global regions to journey into seven 2044 scenarios, explore local implications, identify future risks and opportunities, and brainstorm areas for action.
Sustainability Network Conference | Paris
We worked with Forum for the Future to design and facilitate a future-focused conference for the luxury fashion group Kering, headquartered in Paris. The programme included:
Exploring current trends and their implications
A ‘fishbowl’ discussion series to delve into particular areas of change
An immersive exhibition of artefacts from future scenarios for luxury fashion.
Swire Group
Signals of Change| Hong Kong
For Swire’s Sustainable Development Workshop, we contributed a session on Signals of Change, including:
Clarifying meaning of ‘signals of change’, as opposed to regular ‘news’
Thinking about the outcomes of particular signals of change, using a ‘futures wheel’
Exploring the implications of signals of change for different businesses across Swire Group
Culture Priming | Hong Kong, Bahrain, Nairobi
We facilitated a culture priming process for a global venture capital company to identify barriers to innovation, and develop and test interventions, working across regional teams. The process included:
- In-person interviews and surveys
- Online and live workshops to collectively explore obstacles to innovation, and co-design actionable ways forward.
- Executive and group coaching.
English Schools Foundation
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Workshops | Hong Kong
We ran a series of workshops for primary and secondary school students, supporting them to share - both openly and anonymously - about their experience of school life, with a focus on equality, diversity and inclusion. Topics included:
What works well, what needs to change
What changes would improve their experience, and what the school can do
How the school can empower them as change agents
OECD #GovAfterShock
Trust across borders in our digital futures
Online, Hong Kong & Switzerland
In collaboration with the Institution for Public Sector Transformation at the University of Bern, as part of global policy discussions initiated by the OECD, we ran a workshop inviting citizens to ask, “What is it we could co-create to make trust across borders part of our digital future?”.
Springer Nature Innovation Tournament
Culturehack Masterclass | Online, Global
We ran a masterclass for 30 finalists in the Springer Nature Innovation Tournament, supporting them to:
Identify obstacles to innovation in their organisational culture
Understand what lies beneath these obstacles, in terms of structures, viewpoints and fundamental beliefs
Rethink their culture from the foundations and brainstorm ‘culture hacks’ to enable transformation
Civic Exchange
Why Walk DVRC | Hong Kong
We designed a public engagement exercise for the Hong Kong-based pedestrianisation campaign WalkDVRC and ran a training session for a team of in-house facilitators. The engagement exercise included activities and worksheets for:
- Exploring the experience of walking in central Hong Kong
- Identifying priorities, such as air quality or socialising
- Brainstorming ways beyond current obstacles.
International Civil Society Centre
Scanning the Horizon| Hong Kong
We facilitated two workshops for the annual meeting of civil society organisations:
- Exploring the future landscape for philanthropy and fundraising with a focus on rising interest from China, drawing on the perspectives of eight personas
- Strengthening organisational adaptation to change by identifying structural and cultural obstacles and building empowered narratives.
What we're learning from our work
A wintry fireside chat with Sophie Tidman, a specialist in the creative messiness of organisations and relationships, on letting go, embracing the dark and the role of disruptive imagination in boosting our resilience. Thanks Sophie and the Mayvin Podcast team!2024年12月2日With the number of state-based conflicts at a record high since 1946, effective mediation is crucial for conflict prevention, de-escalation and transformation. Yet traditional approaches are proving inadequate, discrediting major players. Meanwhile, new approaches are emerging: we’re seeing more...A host of incoming regulations, such as the EU Regulation on Deforestation-free Products (EUDR) and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), as well as national laws such as the German Supply Chain Act, French Duty of Vigilance Law, US Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA),...More PostsFlux Compass Ltd.
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